Farmers from the Sto. Niño Organic Rice Farmers Association (SNORFA) in Simaya, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, are now better equipped to empower their members with digital farming tools, through a FarmTech training kit from PLDT, Smart and the Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI).
Rice farmer and SNORFA President Wilmar Ompoc shared, “Previously, transporting equipment to farming communities was challenging. With the FarmTech kit's portable and rechargeable projector, sound system, and other tools, training our fellow farmers on digital tools will be significantly easier.”
FarmTech is an all-in-one training kit designed to enhance digital literacy among farmer groups and agri-coops in remote areas. The kit includes a tablet, 10 smartphones, a SmartBro pocket WiFi with Smart Prepaid load cards, an outdoor projector and screen, a rechargeable portable sound system, a flash drive with multimedia resources and apps, and DA-ATI-developed learning materials.
“Through our partnership with DA-ATI for FarmTech and the Digital Farmers Program (DFP), we hope to enable the digital transformation of farmers all over the country, to build a truly digitally-enabled agriculture sector,” said Stephanie V. Orlino, AVP and head of Stakeholder Management at PLDT and Smart.
FarmTech, a key component of the DFP, empowers farmer associations to educate more farmers on digital applications for agriculture. Launched in 2019 with DA-ATI, the DFP is part of PLDT and Smart’s efforts to promote inclusive technologies that enhance livelihood opportunities for farmers nationwide. In Mindanao, FarmTech packages were also turned over in Buluan, Maguindanao del Sur, and Digos, Davao del Sur.
“Smartphones and digital applications are very important to help with farming and agriculture. As our association president and a technology trainer, I am very thankful to DA-ATI for the DFP trainings and to PLDT and Smart for providing us with the FarmTech kit,” Ompoc added.
With the expansion of their integrated fixed and wireless networks across the country, PLDT and Smart’s efforts to boost the digital economy highlights the Group’s support to the government’s overall digitalization thrust. This also emphasizes its commitment to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal No. 1 (No Poverty) and Goal No. 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).